
site has been set up to collect and distribute genealogical information
about the Mallinson name and its variants.
Record Office (Birth, Deaths & Marriage) &
data, Parish Registers, Family Trees (currently 15,600 names not all Mallinson), Wills, News, Press Cuttings, UK
distribution maps & Historical Documents
relating to our Family Genealogy &
History are presented.
This is very much a work in progress
and we need your
help to
expand our knowledge of the "Mallinson Family".
Help If You Can.

information available on the site is for Genealogical use only.
concerns and much discussion about the dissemination of
personal data it has been decided that the information
available on the Internet version of the site will
be limited to: pre 1912 (Births) and pre 1962 (Deaths &
not wishing for information to be included on the site should contact,
J. Mallinson at:- 
The Mallinson
surname has been derived as meaning 'the son of Mary', and this explanation can
still be found in many books on surnames. However, G. Redmonds is now of the
opinion that, "There is no doubt though that in Yorkshire, the county
where Mallinson is most frequent, it derives from Matilda and not from Mary.
To show how and when that came about we must examine the 14th century
records, for it is in that period that names which have 'son' as a suffix
The History
of the Mallinson Family authored by G.Redmonds
is reproduced.
Find it at:- 

in the Surname
Since the inception of the web-site
I have had regular enquiries as to whether the spelling "Mallinson" is
the only valid way of spelling our surname. Some
family historians have found that their family
surname has varied somewhat confusingly, making it
difficult to trace their family line.
I have currently identified
some Forty Five variant spellings, a list of these and an explanation as to how a variation
can come into existence is given:-
Find it at:- 
The Author 
I am John Sykes
Mallinson and I was born and lived for 20
years in Almondbury, Huddersfield, since then I have lived in Basingstoke. My interest in
Mallinson genealogy dates back 40 years or more and during that time I have met and remained in contact with
Mallinsons from America, London and Yorkshire. With the aid of this site
and e-mail the contacts have now
expanded to many other parts of the world including:- Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
Redmonds for his permission to publish:- The History
of the Mallinson Family
Late Roger C Mallinson without whose
work on the family trees other facts and figures, encouragement and attention to detail this site would be a much
more sparse and uninformative place.
the Mallinsons in name or spirit who have taken
the time and effort to comment or add information for publication.
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(c) 2001 - 2018 J.S.Mallinson. All rights reserved.