Family Trees have been ammended using informtion supplied
by e-mail. These trees are:- 5, 5b, 10, 12, 18a, H14,
L1, L9, S1 & S2.
Distribution page has been updated with the addition
of five new Mallinson distribution maps.
Regular visitors to the site may be aware that there have
been few updates to the site since the death of Roger Mallinson.
It was in
part Roger's enthusiasm and dedication to genealogy that helped motivate me
through the many hours of editing the data for publication.
his death it has been difficult to find the incentive, along with doing my own
research, to prepare and publish updates. I am glad to say that the required
level of motivation has now rekindled itself.
The latest
updates include:
1. A partial 1911 Census.
2. Revised BMD Registers.
These and
future updates will include the last of Roger's work. Coming up in the next few
months will be updates to the Family Trees, an alphabetised list of the people
in the Family Trees, Parish Registers,
Documents and historical commercial Directories